Digital Collage Triptych created in Photoshop
Mind Collage Body Collage Soul Collage

Artist Statement:

This digital triptych serves as a self portrait that reflects my inner-self and who I see myself as a person. They each represent my mind, body, and soul respectively. Each image chosen and used in the collage has some representation of an aspect of my self.

For example, the use of clocks in the collages represent the facts that I often find myself living in the past, rushing for deadlines, but also that I’ve been sometimes called an old soul. The mannequin head represents how I often feel lost in my own mind and body, as I experience a lot of disassociation where I don’t feel like I actually exist in my body. The tightrope walker represents the stress and anxiety that I frequently experience.

Overall, the use of vibrant color in the “mind” and “soul” panels of the triptych contrasts with the lack of color in the “body” panel. As an artist and a daydreamer, I sometimes find that reality is much more duller compared to my imagination. In reality, I do, however, consider myself to be a very visual person who enjoys working with their hands and is a very hands-on learner. My style is incorporated in the images in the form of grainy graphic images and overlapping illustrations.